To modernize the management of sensitive nuclear materials, Argonne National Laboratory has developed the ARG-US radio frequency identification (RFID) system for the Packaging Certification Program of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Packaging and Transportation. The system consists of battery-powered RFID tags, a reader network, an application software suite, secured database servers, and storage and transport web applications. The current-generation RFID tags have built-in sensors for seal integrity, temperature, humidity, shock, and battery strength to monitor the state of health of the tagged containers during storage and transportation. Several ARG-US RFID systems, which provide real-time tracking and monitoring capability, have been deployed at selected DOE sites for field testing and application during storage and transportation. To further enhance the system’s capability, a radiation sensor module has been added to the ARG-US RFID tag. The potential benefits of the added radiation sensor module for nuclear materials management can be significant: improved situational awareness; enhanced safety, security, and safeguards; and – just as important – reduced radiation exposure for facility personnel. The incorporated sensor module is a modified, compact, personal dosimeter with a wide detection range for gamma radiation: from ˜10 R/h to 800 R/hr. A multifunctional carrier board has been designed to process data, initiate alarms, manage power, interface tags, and add future sensors. Benchmark testing with a calibrated Cs-137 source has shown that the integrated tags with dosimeters are functioning as designed. The ARG-US software suite has been modified to process and display the dose rate and cumulative dose, as well as an instant alert/alarm when the detected radiation level exceeds the preset threshold. The cumulative dose can be reset to account for multiple segments of storage and transportation campaigns. The added functionalities of area radiation monitoring, process configuration control and supplemental tamper indication with the dosimeter-enabled tags make the ARG-US RFID system even more potent and versatile for nuclear materials management.