Radiation Monitoring System in Helsinki Airport - Lessons Learned

Tapani Honkamaa - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, STUK
Philip Holm - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, STUK
In 2008, the Finnish government decided to provide funding to a project for upgrading the radiation detection systems at the Finnish borders. The project was scheduled for the years 2009-2014. The object of the project is to improve the ability to detect illicit trafficking of nuclear and other radioactive materials. The project is implemented in cooperation with Finnish Customs and Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, STUK. In 2011 the project plan included equipping the major airport of Finland, Helsinki-Vantaa, with a comprehensive radiation detection network. The system was installed and upgraded during 2012, and now the first experiences are received and operational procedures are being developed. In this paper both technical solutions, concept of operations and practical experiences are being discussed. The system covers passenger terminals, Cargo terminals, Aviation mail terminal and Courier terminals. Altogether about 30 radiation detection instruments are installed. The devices are gamma spectrometric NaI detectors. Neutron detection is achieved indirectly through detection of high energy photons. For improving neutron detection efficiency, the spectrometers are equipped with PCV-PE moderator-converter, which increases the detection capability by a factor of two, at least. The detection efficiency is as good as the efficiency of 3He detector. The detectors are connected to central software and database, located in the Command center. The alarms from the detectors will be redirected to mobile terminals carried by Customs officers. The system is complemented with cameras for visual recognition of the alarming object. The architecture of the system allows the spectra to be delivered to the experts for more detailed analysis. Reachback support for Customs Officers will be organized by STUK. The data from all spectrometric devices, including mobile screening systems, are transferred to the database, which is accessible by STUK’s experts at any time. Experiences of the system will be discussed.