The TAnk MEasurement Laboratory denoted by the acronym 'TAME' has been installed in building 42, an ex-reactor building at the JRC Ispra Establishment.The laboratory is in fact the ex- CALDEX (CALibration Demonstration EXercise) test facility which was installed in the TEKO facility of the Karlsruhe Centre. Following agreements between Karlsruhe, GNS, IAEA and the JRC Ispra it was decided to transfer the facility to the Ispra site in 1991.Reinstallation of this accountancy tank involved the need to find an area with sufficient height of approximately 15 metres. Towards the end of 1991 a structural design was completed and accepted whilst a contract was issued for installation. The basic structure was completed in February 1992. By the end of 1992 the hydraulic and pneumatic circuitry was completed. An increased level of quality instruments together with a computerised process control, data acquisition and storage system has been installed and commissioned. In addition a 250 dm3 annular product tank has been installed. The complete laboratory is now undergoing pre-operational trials with a programme of experimental activity dedicated to commence in September.