A Quantitative Comparison of Analog and Digital Pulse-Shape-Discrimination Systems for Organic Scintillators

M. Flaska - University of Michigan
Sara A. Pozzi - University of Michigan
C.S. Sosa - University of Michigan
Organic scintillators require accurate discrimination of neutrons and gamma rays when used in mixed neutron/gamma-ray radiation fields. Pulse-shape-discrimination (PSD) systems are used in synergy with organic scintillators to identify the radiation type. This paper compares PSD performance of a digital, charge-integration PSD system (based on a CAEN V1720 waveform digitizer) against a state-of-the-art, analog, zero-crossing PSD system (Mesytec MPD-4). Measurements were performed using an organic liquid scintillator (EJ-309) coupled with a photo-multiplier tube (ETL-9821B). A Cf-252 spontaneous-fission source was used to provide neutrons and gamma rays for the measurements. Figures of merit were used to assess and compare the performance of the PSD systems and it was determined that the digital PSD system performed better by approximately 17%.