At present, various analytical instruments are in use for nuclear forensic analysis, with most instruments requiring pretreatment in the laboratory. In comparison, X-ray fluorescence(XRF) enables multi element analysis without pretreatment, and in particular, FP-XRF can be used for a preliminary quantification of elements prior to more precise analysis, regardless of location. We conducted quantitative performance tests on uranium samples using a manufacturer calibrated FP-XRF device to examine its validity for use in preliminary characterizations as part of nuclear forensic analyses. Depleted uranium(DU) disks and low enriched uranium(LEU, 4.10% 235 U/ 238 U) pellets were measured, but the resulting quantitative information on uranium and impurities was unclear. This paper focuses on the related empirical method as a way to improve the accuracy of FP-XRF uranium and impurity analysis, and describes calibration curve preparation and verification experiments using various standard materials(SRM). In addition, a performance comparison with benchtop total-reflection x-ray fluorescence(TXRF), which can measure trace amounts in ppb units, is presented.