Quantifying Kinetics Parameters Using Cherenkov Light for Nonproliferation

David L. Chichester - Idaho National Laboratory
Thomas Holschuh - Oregon State University
Wade Marcum - Oregon State University
Sean Morrell - Idaho National Laboratory
This study seeks to leverage existing optical measurement technology by assembling a new detecting system to identify and characterize Cherenkov light in a reactor, and to relate this signature to the quantity of fissile material in the reactor. Theoretically, the dynamic material signatures of fissile isotopes, such as uranium and plutonium, in a reactor facilitate the identification of the fuel mixture composition through reactor kinetics parameters. In this approach when a nuclear reactor is perturbed from a steady-state condition the response of the reactor is indicative of the effective kinetics parameters which are inherent to the system. If quantities such as thermal power are measured directly (or indirectly) during these transients, the kinetics parameters may be quantified. Knowing that the intensity of Cherenkov light emitted from a reactor is linearly proportional to changes in the reactor's power, it may be possible to identify specific fuel signatures in the reactor by measurements of this light. A process is outlined herein which details the method to be used, hardware selected, and configuration identified that will be used to prove the concept.