Qualification Measurements Of Handheld Radiation Detectors For Homeland Security Purposes

Monika Risse - Fraunhofer INT
Jeannette Glabian - Fraunhofer INT
Theo Koeble - Fraunhofer INT

In the field of detection of nuclear and radioactive material a large variety of measurement systems for different application purposes exist. The main application areas are monitoring, search, and identification. The systems used are from different device classes, in the case of handheld systems those are, e.g. radiation isotope identifiers (RIID) and personal radiation dosimeters (PRD), the latter also exist in a spectroscopic version (SPRD). They all share the need to provide reliable results within a short time. To reach this goal they have to make a compromise in view of size, cost, and quality. The quality of the systems shall be determined by performing qualification tests in accordance with existing test methods. Fraunhofer INT has established a test facility for static and dynamic testing. This was done in the framework of the Illicit Trafficking Radiation Detection Assessment Program + 10 (ITRAP+10). Several tests were performed already in accordance to the ITRAP+10 test procedures which are based on ANSI and IEC standards as well as in accordance with ANSI standards itself. Furthermore, Fraunhofer INT has long lasting experience in device testing besides fixed test procedures. All test procedures have in common that they are limited in the number of tests and the need to find tests which are reproducible and reflect real usage of the devices. Therefore measurement situations in the laboratory are not always realistic and give only easy and reproducible situations of single sources. In the present paper different devices were also tested in more complex situations using for example a mixture of sources containing 133 Ba, 152 Eu, 60 Co, and 137 Cs. The identification results were observed and compared. As comparative system for the identification a detector with a high resolution Germanium crystal was used (ยต-Detective from ORTEC). As a investigated system consists of detector and analysis routine and must be considered as a whole, different RIID and PRD detection systems with different detector material were tested: D3S from Kromek with CsI(Tl), and RIIDEye (NaI) and RadEYE SPRD (CsI) from Thermo. The paper gives an overview of the obtained results and shows the advantages and limitations of the tested devices.