Pulse height models for deuterated scintillation detectors

Haitang Wang - Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Thomas N. Massey - Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics
Andreas Enqvist - Department of Materials Science and Engineering
In this work, a complete and self-contained analytic model of pulse height distribution for deuterated organic scintillation detectors (EJ-315) is created. During theoretical calculation, a non- uniform angular distribution is considered and an energy range of incident neutrons from 1 MeV to 15 MeV is investigated. Moreover, the impact of detector geometry on light output and neutron leakage have been taken into consideration. In return, based on the Peierls-formula, the completed calculation exhibits the quantitative probability of fast neutron slowing down history due to stochastic collisions with carbon or deuterium nuclei. The calculated collision probability conjoining with light output function which was measured for continuous neutrons flux generated by the tandem Van De Graaff Generator at Ohio University exhibits the light output from various collisions. The individual collision structure of the light pulse spectrum is analyzed. The resulting light pulse height distribution generated in this model offers intriguing advantages for identifying or characterizing nuclear materials and estimating potentials of various fast recoil detectors.