A.B. Modenov - Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics
A.V. Livke - Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics
S.F. Razin’kov - Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics
M.V. Savin - Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics
The given paper is to be considered as preparation of technical solutions within the frames of trilateral initiative on testing by of IAEA of weapon origin fissile material defined by the state as released from defense programs. According to the Trilateral Initiative the participating countries are to develop measurement systems with information barriers to test the caskets containing plutonium in classified (blackout, secret) forms. In the course of controlling a closed container presented to IAEA there are tested the following basic attributes: - is plutonium available in the container; - is the relation between 240 and 239 isotopes of plutonium less than the established threshold value; - does the total mass of plutonium exceed the coordinated threshold value The subject of development is a set of hardware-software solutions for the realization of inspection system of plutonium attributes control with no classified information opened. The final product of the development is a device having internal screened cavity to place the container of AT- 400 type and a front panel aimed at initialization of measurements (inspection procedure) and reflection of results. There should be considered four possible scenarios of system functioning: - standard inspection mode; - mode of authentication or estimation of system functioning validity and correspondence of its metrological characteristics to the expected ones; - start-up and adjustment activities; - intrusion or totality of actions aimed at getting classified (private) information. Below is presented a more detailed information on the scenarios. It should be mentioned that as well as all logical constructions of this kind the above listed scenarios do not practically have neither the established formal descriptive language nor the means of objective quality estimation.