In May 1997 a special session of the IAEA Board approved an Additional Protocol to Safeguards Agreements (INFCIRC/540) that serves as the legal instrument to implement strengthened safeguards measures. The implementation of the Additional Protocol marks the most significant change in international safeguards since the inception of INFCIRC/153 and the onset of comprehensive safeguards in the early 1970s. It provides for the provisions of information pertaining to nuclear research development and manufacturing and allows the IAEA unprecedented access to nuclear facilities and activities. The United States government signed the Additional Protocol in June 1998. It was submitted by President to the U.S. Senate or advice and consent to ratification on May 9, 2002. This paper will present the work that has been done to date on the prototype Protocol Reporting System (PRS) that will be used for U.S. Declarations to the IAEA under the Additional Protocol when it enters into force. The process utilized to develop the functional and high-level system requirements will be discussed and a demonstration of the prototype system will be provided. The prototype PRS is capable of demonstrating key functional capabilities of the PRS as identified in the draft PRS System Requirements Specification, including: • Database structure using ORACLE; • Data provider interface including a web server application; • Edit functions for completeness and format consistent with 1997 guidance provided by the IAEA; • Mechanism for electronic submittal of declarations to USG reviews; and • Mechanism for handling revisions and archiving of data.