In addition its comprehensive nuclear industry, France also has to deal with hundreds of holders of nuclear materials in the industrial, medical and research fields. The main nuclear material concerned is depleted uranium. French regulation lays down the quantitive and qualitative categorization of nuclear material and establishes three regimes: licensing, declaration and exemption which set the obligation of the holder of nuclear material. Most of the above mentioned holders manage small amounts of nuclear materials, and are governed by the declaration regime. When submitted to this regime, the holder has to declare on an annual basis its quantities of nuclear material to the centralized accounting system. it also has to comply with requirements related to control and accountability of its materials, including annual physical inventory, inventory book, and physical protection arrangements. inspection of the declarants are carried out by the Competent Authority. According to the results of these inspections, requirements may be issued to the holder. The paper gives an overview of the use of nuclear material by declarants in France. it the specific requirements related to the declaration regime, and the this regulation is enforced, illustrated by some examples.