Nuclear proliferation resistance is of great international interest for the development of future nuclear energy systems. The study of nuclear proliferation resistance assessment methodology has been carried on at many institutes in recent years. Most of the studies are in concert with the research and development of future nuclear energy programs. This has caused development of different definitions of proliferation resistance and its assessment methodologies. In March 2005, Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC) and Institute of Nuclear Material Management, Japan Chapter (INMM-J) co-sponsored “Workshop on Nuclear Proliferation Resistance, Definition and Assessment Methodology,” in Tokyo. This was the first international opportunity opened to public and for several researchers to discuss the definitions and assessment methodologies directly. The Workshop highlighted that proliferation resistance definitions and assessment methodologies strongly depend on the purpose of the respective future nuclear energy systems and the threats they are confronting. Interaction on these issues between the experts from different projects is important to establish mutual understanding of each proliferation resistance assessment methodology to support international acceptance of future nuclear energy systems.