Considering the current activities related to the development of pyroprocessing technology in Korea, a Member State Support Program (MSSP) for the IAEA has been initiated in 2008 to prepare for the development of safeguards approaches for pyroprocessing facilities. The main objective of the MSSP is to determine the concept of a reference pyroprocessing facility, which can be used to develop a model safeguards approach for all the pyroprocessing concepts worldwide. A basic design of a reference facility and preliminary design of safeguards approach for a 10 ton/year-scale facility were developed, and analysis of its sigma-MUF was investigated as the last two year tasks. An assessment of the safeguardability including proliferation resistance analysis has been undertaking to assess and to enhance the safeguards system. A preliminary proliferation resistance (PR) evaluation was conducted by applying the International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO) PR assessment methodology. Detailed diversion pathways for the reference facility were also developed and analyzed as done in the Collaborative Project on “Proliferation Resistance: Acquisition/diversion Pathway Analysis (PRADA), which utilized GIF Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection (PR&PP) evaluation methodology to develop diversion pathway. This paper presents assessment results and proposals for design features supporting the safeguards implementation drawn by the proliferation resistance analysis.