As a result of the revelations regarding the existence of a clandestine nuclear weapons programme in Iraq and various developments elsewhere, Member States of the IAEA are strongly supportive of a strengthened safeguards regime that, inter alia, is better equipped to provide assurance regarding both the correctness and the completeness of a State's nuclear programme declaration. In April 1993, the Director General's Standing Advisory Group on Safeguards Implementation (SAGSI) - a group of safeguards experts from twenty Member States - acting on a request by the Director General and with the support of the Safeguards Department, submitted its recommendations for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the safeguards system. Drawing from SAGSI's recommendations and other proposals, the IAEA, in the summer of 1993, embarked on a major development programme (termed \"Programme 93+2\") for a strengthened and more cost-effective system. The programme is proceeding with the direct involvement of a number of Member States in testing the proposed measures. Measures will be advanced for implementation as they are proven. Proposals for a strengthened and more cost-effective safeguards system were presented to the Board of Governors in March and in June, 1995.