The IAEA is preparing a revised and updated version of International Target Values (ITVs) for uncertainty components in measurements of nuclear material. This represents the fifth revision of the original release of such tables issued in 1979 by the ESARDA/WGDA. The ITVs represent uncertainties to be considered in judging the reliability of analytical techniques applied to industrial nuclear and fissile material subject to safeguards verification. The tabulated values represent estimates of the \"state of the practice\" which ought to be achievable under routine conditions by adequately equipped, experienced laboratories. The most recent standard conventions in representing uncertainty and reliability data have been taken into account, while maintaining a format which allows comparison to previous releases of ITVs. The ITVs 2000 are intended to be used by plant operators and safeguards organizations as a reference of the quality of measurements achievable in nuclear material accountancy, and for planning purposes. They may also be used for statistical inferences regarding the significance of operator-inspector differences whenever insufficient measurement data is available. A draft of the ITV 2000 document was completed in April 2000 and sent for review to the various organizations and working groups involved in the discussions leading up to the final issuance of the report (Euratom, ESARDA/WGDA & WGNDA, ANSI/INMM, Japanese Adhoc Technical Group, ISO/TC85/SC5/WG 1 & 3 & 12, ABACC).