Potential Operational Impacts on Warhead Monitoring

Sharon M. DeLand - Sandia National Laboratories
Dusty Rhoades - Sandia National Laboratories
Grace Thompson - Sandia National Laboratories
A future arms control treaty that includes limits on the total number of nuclear warheads would be expected to define a set of verification measures that support treaty compliance assessments. Based on past experience, these measures would likely include data declarations, technical exhibitions and demonstrations, on-site inspections including technical measurements, and remote monitoring. Implementation of cooperative measures in support of verifying a warhead accountability regime poses a number of technical challenges. One challenge that needs to be addressed is developing a verification regime that is effective while minimizing operational impact. A total warhead accountability regime will likely capture a wider variety of facilities and operations than the current New START Treaty which focuses only on deployed strategic systems. This paper outlines generic aspects of the lifecycle of nuclear warheads in the United States and discusses the potential for operational impacts in implementing a warhead accountability regime.