Possible trends for further development of the International Uranium Enrichment Center (IUEC) in post-Fukushima Era.

Gleb Efremov - International Uranium Enrichment Center
The Fukushima-Daichi incident of March 11, 2011 made a significant change in people’s perception of the nuclear energy advantages and profitability. For the International Uranium Enrichment Centre (IUEC) which was founded in 2007 to provide guaranteed access for the nuclear fuel cycle services mainly to the IAEA member-states willing to develop their nuclear energy infrastructure this event caused a precondition to reassess its mission, goals and objectives. A new understanding for the possible future development of a global nuclear industry in postFukushima Era became more or less obvious only half year later the accident occurred. And this objection arises from the intention showed by a great amount of world states even not to reduce their national nuclear programs after Fukushima but in some cases to increase them. Mainly such positive news come from the Asian region where the IUEC has plans to activate its promotion. The paper to be performed at the 53’d annual meeting of INMM will show the perspectives of IUEC to start in 2012 with the first supplies to its member-states. Also a couple of words will be dedicated for the main political achievement of the IUEC that arises from the establishment of a guaranteed physical reserve of low-enriched uranium (LEU) in Angarsk, Russian Federation for the supplies of LEU from it to the IAEA member-states suffering from nuclear fuel deliveries because of political force-majeure (non-commercial reasons). The paper will reflect the maintenance of 120 tons of Uranium located at the stock. A few words in paper will be devoted to the corporate structure of the IUEC that changed in 2011 and 2012.