PIMM is a Pressure Instrument Measurement Module. This prototype instrument results from the continued R&D carried out in our Safeguards Mass/Volume laboratory to produce reliable and simple to operate instruments. PIMM has been designed particularly to meet the objective of minimizing interference to the plant operator whilst maintaining the requirements of an inspect. PIMM is a pressure measurement acquisition device designed to perform unattended monitoring of tanks in reprocessing and/or fabrication facilities. The instrument is compact and lightweight weighing 1.5 Kg, with dimensions of 12 x 12 x 5.5 cm. An EPROM and battery supply, allow the system to b installed in a facility without cable connections. The only connections which are carried ot are those made in routine operations by connecting in parallel to the operator's air-flow lines, in order to measure the pressure in the level, density and reference probes of the tank. Cable connections can be made via a portable computer to start the software acquisitions parameters and subsequently to download the data for analysis.