The Perspective of Establishing a Fully Functional Physical Protection System in Taiwan Power

John Y. Feng - Departments of Nuclear Generation, Safety, and Back-end Management
The enhancements of security measures on nuclear facilities, and radioactive nuclear materials at the existing three commercially operational nuclear power plants that Taiwan Power has always been regulating since the beginning of the year 2002 have highly been valued by government. With consideration of national condition and cultural differences, Taiwan Power has deliberately proceeded multiphase assessment of improving the existing security measures on physical protection system and nuclear materials in compliance with the relevant rules and regulations issued by Taiwan Atomic Energy Commission (Taiwan A.E.C.). The research and development program regarding the enhancements of security measures on nuclear facilities and materials would be focused on up-grading the functions of the existing nuclear security soft/hard ware facilities and equipments and some specifically, extensive training courses on physical protection for security personnel, and bi-annual exercises on counter-terrorism. The purchase of those well-functioned security equipments would certainly be taken into account as well. As regard the enhancement of security measures on radioactive nuclear wastes, Taiwan Power has constantly been communicating with central and local government, and anti-nuclear organizations in efforts to eliminate possible resistance to radioactive nuclear waste management including LLW disposal and spent fuel dry storage. In addition, the problem on how to set up a well-equipped physical protection system at LLW storage site such as the Lan-Yu Islet LLW storage site has also been researched on comprehensively by the authorities concerned.