The Deactivation and Decommissioning(D&D) mission at RFETS presents unique Material Control and Accountability (MC&A)challanges. Several residue stabilization and repackaging projects are under way at Rocky Flats. These projects' scheduled duration varies depending on the total amount of each residue family which must be prepared for offsite shipment, whether to WIPP as a waste or to SRS as weapons grade material. Most projects are scheduled to last only a few months. Because of the short-term nature of these projects, the ease of traceability of feed to output product, and the impact of physical inventory downtime, several projects have will used perpetual inventory as n intricate part of the MC&A program. The input, output, an in-process material in a glovebox line are carefully tracked in \"batches.\" A batch consists of the throughput for a defined period of time, typically a week. Once all output material has been measured for accountability, inventory difference control limits for the weekly \"batch\" are calculated using propagation of varience. Semi-quantitative holdup measurements are also performed on gloveboxes uded during processing. If a weekly inventory difference exceeds control limits, an investigation is immediately initiated. If the inventory difference xceeds control limits for two consecuive weeks, processing is suspended and a 100% physical inventory is performed.