The PERLA laboratory of the Joint Research Centre of the Commission of the European Communities in collaboration with other research centres has carried out an intercomparison exercise of gamma spectrometry codes currently in use for international safeguards (MGA, \"Blue Box\", PUJRC). The paper presents the results of the comparison of these codes based on over 600 spectra collected on 17 Pu bearing samples. The 17 samples include PuO powder samples and MOX samples in the form of powder, pellets and rods. The sample masses go up to 2.5 Kg of PuO . The experimental design adopted in this experiment was that of comparing the gamma spectrometry measured values with the PERLA sample certified values. The data analysis carried out on the results cover statistical tests for bias in measurements, estimation of precision and testing that the error propagated precision is sufficiently representative of the replications precision. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for operator inspector comparisons in safeguards auditing.