Within the past several years, the Safeguards and Security Section of the Department of Energy Complex has seen many changes take place, which in time, will assist in elevating and enhancing many aspects of the Safeguards and Security Program. Clearly, the business climate is evolving, and methodologies utilizing positive changes need to be considered as we strive for continued improvement. One of the key areas identified within this effort involves training and mare specifically, the approach. This approach has carried the thane of Performance-Based Training, or FBI. A new program at Hound, as requested through the Office of Safeguards and Security, has successfully utilized this in the development of Hound's Calorimeter Operator Training School. The key initiator in any formal and cost-effective training program involves key personnel meeting with a uniform mission, and charged with solving a common issue. The techniques used in the PBT process accomplished this program for Hound, and for the effective use of valuable resources within the DOE.