Following the principle that the past is prologue to the future, a review of the history of events and trends in the safeguards program for civilian nuclear material provides insight about the path ahead. The safeguards program has evolved during the last 50 years in response to technology development, significant events that prompted public and government attention, and societal trends. Experience and current issues reveal trends that are certain to shape the future of safeguards. Many signs point toward a future with more nuclear facilities, which will pose more safeguards challenges than existing plants do. Although significant uncertainty exists about the specific future, nuclear power will most likely be called on to meet future energy requirements worldwide. Advances in technology and information management are making it easier to gain access to nuclear technology and material. These changes facilitate proliferation of technology and technical capability. If today’s safeguards environment is challenging, tomorrow’s will be more so. The public will demand that governments enhance already stringent controls to ensure nuclear safety, safeguards, and security. In addition, openness and transparency are two essential elements of effective programs for safeguarding nuclear material and assuring its safe use. Our experience during the last 50 years prepares us to meet these daunting challenges. What role will you play as a safeguards professional in helping to advance safeguards, safety, and security?