During the past three years the Ulba Metallurgical Company (Ulba) has been working to implement a safeguards program to meet the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) requirements. The facility is under IAEA safeguards. The management and technical staff have had to implement significant changes in the areas of materials control and accounting (MC&A) with technical support and equipment provided by the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) Program and the Department of Energy’s (DOE) MC&A bilateral program with the Republic of Kazakstan. Equipment was delivered to upgrade the facility’s capability to perform accountability measurements. Focused training was provided to the facility staff assigned to use or maintain the new equipment. The work was prioritized by the DOE Technical Team and Ulba staff to meet the basic international requirements for physical inventories and verification of external shipments and receipts. A Commissioning Ceremony is scheduled for the fall of 1997 to celebrate the end of the initial development and implementation of the MC&A Program at Ulba.