The NNSA MC&A Implementation Panel, comprised of both federal and contractor NNSA MC&A Program Managers at Headquarters and field levels, was chartered in 2000. Since that time, the NNSA MC&A community identified several initiatives to evaluate the program as a whole and identify where efforts need to be focused to improve overall programmatic health. These initiatives include the Safeguards First Principles Initiative, integration of the risk management concept into MC&A and incorporation of MC&A system effectiveness into the overall security effectiveness determination, conducting a baseline review of an MC&A Program in the event of a contract changeover, building core MC&A competencies within NNSA while providing needed MC&A technical support, and education and outreach programs for the academic student population. This special panel session will address all these initiatives and update the community as to progress and next steps. Amy Whitworth, NNSA MC&A Program Manager, will chair this Special Session, and panel speakers include: Debra McNeilly, NNSA MC&A Oversight Manager; Heidi Brock, Nevada Site Office MC&A Manager; Cathy Key, Senior Advisor to Defense Nuclear Security; and Connie Hall, Y-12 MC&A Program Manager.