The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's (PNNL) Safeguards Nuclear Accounting Program (SNAP) was designed over 15 years ago as a stand-alone, DOS-based, batchoriented system to accomplish the required nuclear material inventory reporting to the Department of Energy (DOE). The system provides all the reports required to meet PNNL's accountability requirements, inventory submittal to the Nuclear Materials Management and Safeguards System (NMMSS), and also supports financial accounting and materials management. PNNL is currently in the process of a developing a Windows based system to replace and enhance the SNAP system and to automate current manual activities performed before and after processing. These include an automatic generation of DOE/NRC Form 741 and automatic inventory reconciliation. After the completion of this first phase, future enhancements will include an interface with a new Laboratorywide Radioactive Materials Tracking (RMT) system, which will enable Laboratory staff to track all radioactive and accountable nuclear materials to meet Safeguards, Criticality Safety, Facility Safety, and Effluent Monitoring requirements. It will also link with the Laboratory's Asset Protection Agreement system, enabling Physical Security to assure the materials are afforded appropriate physical protection, and interface with Property Accounting's systems to provide data for their DOE Departmental Inventory Management System (DIMS) reporting requirements. The goal is to have the first phase running and providing reports by the end of FY01, continuing with the interfaces discussed above during FY02.