Overview of Physical Protection Upgrades for Radioactive Sources in Belarus

Stephen Mladineo - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Uladzimir Kruhlou - Isotope Technologies CJSC
Pavel Mikhalevich - Isotope Technologies CJSC
Aliaksandr Shmytau - Isotope Technologies CJSC
The “Isotope Technologies” (IT) team has gained extensive experience in installation, adjustment and maintenance of physical protection systems in the scope of the U.S. Office of Radiological Security (ORS) Program in Belarus. Since 2011, the team has upgraded 28 facilities. These facilities include stationary facilities such as medical gamma units, warehouses of sealed radioactive sources, an industrial plant, and included provisions for special transport vehicles. A smaller number of sites using mobile radiography non–destructive test cameras (defectoscopes) have also received physical protection upgrades. One of the challenges is to protect the radiographic materials both in storage and while in use in the field. This presentation will review the structure and components of physical protection systems as well as describe experience in remote monitoring of mobile defectoscope sites and vehicles from Central Alarm Stations (CAS). We propose to share our experience and lessons learned in sustainability of physical protection systems. Belarus developed the initial ORS sustainability model for keeping ORS systems in operational condition once the U.S. obligation ends at the close of 36 months of warranty and maintenance support. Much of the success came from establishing a quarterly maintenance of installed equipment (to include reporting/tracking of incidences) and training courses provided by IT/US ORS Support Program team. The presenters will also review their experience in developing Security Management and Security Culture for facility staff personnel.