The topic I've been asked to address reminds me of the story of the young National Security Council analyst who was told to prepare a briefing for the President on the state of U.S. - Russian relations prior to a summit meeting. The analyst struggled to compress his wisdom into a three page memo, but his boss insisted that the message be summarized in only one word. When pressed, the analyst reluctantly wrote the word \"GOOD,\" which the NSC advisor dutifully passed along to the President. The advisor, however, being an inquisitive sort, asked the analyst what he would have written ifhe had been allowed to use two words. His response was, \"NOT GOOD!\" I have been asked to assess the outlook for the adoption of a safeguards culture in the postSoviet states. I am tempted to say that a one-word assessment is \"good.\" If! am allowed two words, I fear the answer is \"not good\", atleast in the short term.