Outcomes From The 2019 Joint INMM/ESARDA Verification Workshop

Logan Scott - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Jessica L. White-Horton - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Michael Whitaker - Oak Ridge National Laboratory

The Institute of Nuclear Material Management (INMM) and European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA) held its 9 th Joint Workshop in Tokyo from October 7-10, 2019. Hosted by the INMM Japan Chapter, over 100 invited presenters and attendees spent four days addressing the rapidly changing landscape of nuclear materials management as related to the workshop’s theme, “Future Challenge for the Enhancement of International Safeguards and Nuclear Security”. Subject matter experts and thought leaders in nuclear materials safeguards from around the world arrived in Tokyo ready to address the some of the most pressing issues in security, safeguards, and nonproliferation. The workshop was designed to promote constructive conversations through a series of presentations and moderated open discussions aimed to identify unique and creative solutions. The workshop’s participants were divided into four working groups: International Safeguards, Nuclear Security, Nonproliferation and Arms Control, and Knowledge Retention. Each of these working groups addressed specific topic areas relating to emerging challenges to nuclear safeguards and security. This paper presents the topics covered and outcomes from each of the four working groups. It was evident at the conclusion of the workshop that technological advancements both pose challenges and create opportunities in planning for the future.