Outcome and Actions of the 2019 Reflection Group of the European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA)

Arpad Vincze - Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority
Peter Jansson - Uppsala University
Elina Martikka - STUK - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority
Irmgard Niemeyer - Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
François Bonino - Comité Technique Euratom
Lars Hildingsson - Swedish Radiation Safety Authority
William A. Janssens - European Commission - Joint Research Centre - DIR G - Dept G.II Nuclear Security and Safeguards
Pierre Funk - IRSN - PDS - Nuclear Defense and Security Expertise Division
Christos Koutsoyannopoulos - European Commission - DG ENERGY - EURATOM Safeguards
Olli Okko - STUK – Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority
Filippo Sevini - European Commission - Joint Research Centre - DIR G - G.II.7
The European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA), founded in 1969, is a voluntary association of European organisations formed to foster, advance and harmonise research and development (R&D) in the area of nuclear safeguards. It provides a forum for the exchange of information and ideas between nuclear facility operators, safeguards national authorities, regional and international inspectorates, and persons engaged in safeguards-related research and development. Today ESARDA includes 33 Parties from within the EU. In addition, a further eight laboratories, authorities, operators and academic institutions from outside the EU have joined ESARDA as Associate Members, whilst the Association signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Asia-Pacific Safeguards Network, a Letter of Intent with the Institute for Nuclear Materials Management and is establishing close contacts with the African Commission on Nuclear Energy. ESARDA seeks to maintain a dynamic approach to the developing priorities, whilst ensuring that its activities continue to anticipate future needs, which is why the Association periodically undertakes a formal Reflection Group exercise. In the last 2 years, the Reflection Group, RG2019, worked along the following objectives: 1. develop a roadmap to improve and enhance the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of safeguards and non-proliferation in Europe and abroad; and 2. ensure that the future activities of ESARDA are both consistent with the Association’s purpose, as stated in the ESARDA Agreement, and address the needs of the ESARDA members and/or stakeholders. In the report, finalised before the open ESARDA symposium in May 2019, three specific goals were identified: Establish short term ESARDA Priorities (2019 to 2024) and prepare a ROADMAP - i.e. WHATDefine ESARDA’s long-term future (2019-2050) activities based on the new landscape in Europe and internationally - to be reviewed before 2025 to establish the next 5 year plan; and Review the ESARDA organization, and discuss HOWESARDA can implement/achieve the identified objectives and implement the identified roadmap. A World Café on these topics will be organised during the Open Symposium also. In this paper, the key outcomes and results of the ESARDA Reflection Group 2019 and World Café will be presented including their relevance for the international partners of ESARDA.