OPTIMUS Packaging Solutions for ILW and TRU

Steve Sisley - NAC International
Jeff England - NAC International
OPTIMUS™ Packaging for Intermediate Level WastesNAC OPTIMUS™ packagings are a Type B(U)F-96 transportation package designed for maximum flexibility and cost-efficiency to support shipment of a wide range of challenging wastes and materials. It is a small, modular packaging meeting DOT weight limits for road transport. Contents can be accommodated in multiple configurations including standard drums of up to 110 gallons in size. The packagings also accommodate unique waste contents and fuel designs where cost-effective packaging options have been a challenge. The packagings have a simplicity of design and operational flexibility to meet both IAEA and U.S. NRC Type B requirements. Flexibility is assured by the modular design for containment, shielding and criticality control. The containment boundary design permits adaptability to content requirements by relying on interchangeable internal components or dunnage. The OPTIMUS™ packaging utilizes the same cask containment vessel (CCV) in the OPTIMUS™-H and OPTIMUS™-L. The OPTIMUS™-L is a lightweight transportation packaging with a capability of up to ten (10) OPTIMUS™-L packages per legal-weight truck shipment. The OPTIMUS™-H has an Outer Shield Vessel (OSV) made of ductile cast iron and Impact Limiters (IL) with a higher payload capacity then the OPTIMUS™-L. The large cavity size of the CCV, can accommodate standard drums up to 110 gallons, combined with the small size and modularity of the OPTIMUS™ packaging provides unmatched flexibility for the user. OPTIMUS™ packagings can accommodate more radioactive waste in each drum (up to an FGE limit of 390 g 239Pu) than larger packages can in 10 drums. OPTIMUS™ contents include low level waste, mixed low-level waste, irradiated fuel waste and intermediate level waste. These contents can include aerosol cans with compressed gas and liquified gas propellants and standard DOT 3E lecture bottles for shipment to treatment facilities.In this paper, NAC provides a technical overview of the OPTIMUS™ packagings and identifies the design features and technology advancements making the OPTIMUS™ product line a readily adaptable and flexible solution for packaging processing facilities, reactor and decommissioning wastes. The system enables the integration of these wastes into the existing waste management system process and disposition infrastructure.