Operational Experience: Upgraded MPC&A Systems for the Radiochemical Plant of the Siberian Chemical Combine

Robert Larsen - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Kent Goodey - Pacific Northwest National Laboratoy
Berry Crain Jr. - Science Applications International Corporation
Cheryl Rodriguez - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Igor Goloskokov - Siberian Chemical Combine
M. Loomis - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Leslie Fishbone - Brookhaven National Laboratory
The success of reducing the risk of nuclear proliferation through physical protection and material control/ accounting systems depends upon the development of an effective design that includes consideration of the objectives of the systems and the resources available to implement the design. Included among the objectives of the design are facility characterization, definition of threat, and identification of targets. When considering resources, the designer must consider funds available, rapid low-cost elements, technology elements, human resources, and the availability of resources to sustain operation of the end system. The Siberian Chemical Combine (SCC) is a multi-function nuclear facility located in the Tomsk region of Siberia, Russia. Beginning in 1996, SCC joined with the United States Department of Energy (US/DOE) Material Protection, Control, and Accounting (MPC&A) Program to develop and implement MPC&A upgrades for the Radiochemical, Chemical Metallurgical, Conversion, Uranium Enrichment, and Reactor Plants of the SCC. At the Radiochemical Plant the MPC&A design and implementation process has been largely completed for the Plutonium Storage Facility and related areas of the Radiochemical Plant. Design and implementation of upgrades for the Radiochemical Plant include rapid physical protection upgrades such as bricking up of doors and windows, and installation of security-hardened doors. Rapid material control and accounting upgrades include installation of modern balances and bar code equipment. Comprehensive MPC&A upgrades include the installation of access controls to sensitive areas of the Plant, alarm communication and display (AC&D) systems to detect and annunciate alarm conditions, closed circuit (CCTV) systems to assess alarm conditions, central and secondary alarm station upgrades that enable security forces to assess and respond to alarm conditions, material control and accounting upgrades that include upgraded physical inventory procedures, and destructive and nondestructive assay equipment to perform neutron and gamma measurements on nuclear materials in process or storage. These MPC&A upgrades have been in operation at the SCC Radiochemical Plant for between 2 and 3 years. The operational experience gained by SCC during this period is currently being evaluated by SCC and “lessons learned” will be considered both for continued operation of the Radiochemical Plant MPC&A systems and similar MPC&A systems that are currently being planned for other Plant Sites of the SCC.