Technology plays a major role in the implementation of nuclear material safeguards and security. Both domestic and international programs rely heavily on advanced instrumentation. Recognizing this, the International Safeguards program at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has established a laboratory in which equipment can be tested in a controlled environment. ORNL’s Safeguards Laboratory (SL) is a unique facility devoted to hands-on testing, evaluation, validation, and training for integrated safeguards methods, procedures, and instrumentation. The SL features a wide variety of non-destructive assay (NDA) instrumentation, special nuclear material (SNM) standards, and staff with a wide range of expertise. Combined with easy access to U.S. citizens and foreign guests, these features allow the SL to position itself as an excellent educational and training facility. Over the last several years, SL staff has developed curricula for several NDA courses, which have included such topics as NDA basics, uranium enrichment measurements, and uranium hold-up measurements. In addition, SL hosted a number of customized classes for various organizations, including the Air Force Radiation Assessment Team and the Radiological Assistance Program Team. Several U.S. universities have recently started to develop educational programs that are focused on nuclear non-proliferation and international security. As a part of these programs, SL will provide technical support and facilitate hands-on training in the implementation of safeguards systems and instrumentation. A pilot class, “Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Nuclear Materials Safeguards,” was held during the Spring 2007 semester at the Nuclear Engineering Department at Texas A&M University. The SL staff conducted a laboratory session of the class, which provided students with practical knowledge and experience.