The Nuclear Science and Security Consortium (NSSC) is a multi-institution initiative composed of seven universities and four national laboratory partners working collaboratively to develop the next generation of nuclear security experts. Education in nuclear security policy complements the technical training provided by the NSSC to address the need for knowledgeable practitioners in the nonproliferation field and to foster collaboration across technical and social science fields. This presentation focuses on three efforts: First, Nuclear Security: The Nexus Between Policy and Technology is an innovative classroom experience offered jointly by the Department of Nuclear Engineering and the Goldman School of Public Policy to educate students on the policy and technological foundations of nuclear energy and weapons. The Nuclear Policy Working Group (NPWG) has been established at UC Berkeley to provide students an opportunity to collaboratively engage in interdisciplinary nuclear security policy research projects in the technical areas of nuclear physics, nuclear engineering, nuclear chemistry and radiation detection and instrumentation. The Public Policy and Nuclear Threats Boot Camp is an established multidisciplinary program offered by the Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, and is designed to provide graduate students and mid-career professionals with the necessary tools to contribute to the debate on nuclear security policy, addressing technical, legal, and policy aspects of nonproliferation.