The School of Nuclear Science and Engineering (NSE) at Oregon State University (OSU) is engaged in two distinct and complimentary efforts working closely with the Next Generation Safeguards Initiative (NGSI) of NA-24 and the Office of Radiological Security (NA-212), Nuclear Security Education Initiative (NSEI). Over the past several years, Oregon State students have benefited from courses sponsored by NGSI, comprised of numerous subject matter experts visiting from the national laboratory network to lecture and instruct. These courses have increased technical ties to regional NNSA facilities, particularly Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and enhanced student interest in safeguards as noted by our the launch of an INMM student chapter. These efforts have also increased collaboration among faculty in NSE and the School of Public Policy at OSU. In parallel, a project is underway to integrate nuclear security modules developed at three other institutions under the sponsorship of NSEI. In its entirety, the nuclear security curricular content encompasses five semester courses. The School of NSE is a natural fit for the expansion of these five courses, and aspires to offer modules to Health Physics and Extended (E-Campus) students. However, translation of curriculum to another university is not a ‘one-size fits all’ activity. So, together with Public Policy, the School of NSE is evaluating the suitable mix of courses at OSU that complement our current quarter-based curriculum and meets the needs for a successful career in nuclear security. At this juncture in the advancement of these two educational endeavors, NSE will be evaluating the logistics of how best to integrate NSEI course modules, as well as sustain the progress of the nuclear safeguards education. The Schools of NSE and Public Policy are eager to offer students at OSU the opportunity to engage in issues and technical challenges related to nuclear security, safeguards, and nonproliferation.