Because of its increasing energy needs, Vietnam is planning to build its first nuclear power plant. Vietnam’s nuclear fuel cycle currently consists of a research reactor and several nuclear institutes that develop radioisotopes, perform scientific research, and support other medical and industrial uses for nuclear technology. As a result, Vietnam has a solid foundation on which to address some of the 19 issues laid out in the International Atomic Energy Agency document Milestones in Development of a National Infrastructure for Nuclear Power. Included in these issues are specific operational needs that Vietnam will address in order to operate a successful nuclear power program. Such a program will be operated safely, personnel will be adequately protected from ionizing radiation, and the risks associated with potential radioactive releases will be minimized, among others. Vietnam is nurturing and developing best practices in these areas, furthering its technical expertise and management capabilities and building on existing resources in a holistic manner. By holistic, it is meant that the importance of the whole of Vietnam’s nuclear power program is considered, including the interdependence of operational needs with safety, security, and safeguards—referred to as the “3S” concept. For example, the skills that personnel gain in measuring radionuclides in the environment and in waste streams are applicable to those that will be required for adequately measuring and accounting for nuclear material. Excellence in management and operation of existing nuclear facilities will help Vietnam acquire excellence in larger managerial and operational concerns as it transitions to a future nuclear power program—including nuclear material safeguards and nonproliferation. Vietnam is developing an effective safeguards infrastructure as part of becoming a responsible “owner” of nuclear energy. This paper describes benefits that Vietnam has realized as part of technical collaboration projects being undertaken by the Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration’s International Nuclear Safeguards and Engagement Program under the U.S. Department of Energy and the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Arrangement for Information Exchange and Cooperation on the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy.