Nuclear Safeguards and Security Degree Program at Tomsk Polytechnic University

Mark H. Killinger - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Cristen L. Duncan - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Vladimir I. Boiko - Tomsk Polytechnic University
Dmitry G. Demyanyuk - Tomsk Polytechnic University
Ghuzal M. Badamshina - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Recent increased interest in nuclear energy, including sensitive fuel cycle technologies, has focused attention on the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons. Also, new threats appeared, such as terrorist organizations. One of the most important parts of the nonproliferation regime is nuclear material protection, control, and accounting (MPC&A), which should correspond to current threats. In Russia, as in many other countries, there is a need for specialists in MPC&A. Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI) and Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), leading centers in nuclear engineering education, have been charged with developing degree programs in the field of safeguards and physical protection. With U.S. support, MEPhI developed a master’s degree program in MPC&A and is developing a 5½-year engineering degree program (EDP). During the past three years, the faculty of Applied Physics of TPU has been developing its own EDP that is focused on preparing graduates for MPC&A work in nuclear facilities primarily in Siberia. The first students will graduate in 2008. MEPhI is assisting TPU in developing the academic program. There is some international cooperation in the development of TPU’s EDP. The U.S. Department of Energy is one of the most active participants in this work. In particular, the TPU educational program is being developed within the framework of contracts with PNNL and with the participation of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). A unique and valuable feature of TPU’s EDP is close connection with real industrial processes. This is realized through a relationship with the Siberia Chemical Combine (SCC) at Seversk, just 15 miles from Tomsk. SCC has most elements of the nuclear fuel cycle. Plans are being made to utilize SCC experts, material, and facility space for lab exercises. This paper describes steps recently taken and future plans to further develop the EDP at Tomsk.