Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Security and Arab Spring, Dynamics and Who is Who?

Rian Bahran - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Mustafa Bahran - National Atomic Energy Commission and Sana’a University
Nuclear applications in the Arab World have been limited for decades and Nuclear Security has not been a focus of interest and only limited to Radiological Security which in itself has not been a regional or a national strong point. The nineties have shown an emerging interest in nuclear energy in the Arab World (with the UAE paving the way) thus bringing Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguard (the 3 S’s) to the forefront of international concerns relevant to such an ambition. With the Tunisian followed by the Egyptian revolutions in early 2011, the so called “Arab Spring” has been launched and continues to dominate the geo-socio-political seen. New powers and actors are emerging. Radiological Security has already been affected by all of this and certainly the 3S’s become much more of concern. This paper will address such concerns technically and geo-politically highlighting new and emerging elements and players as well as suggesting specific actions for the international community to help addressing such concerns.