The Nonproliferation Support Program in the DOE Office of Safeguards and Security is tasked with assisting DOE facilities with implementation of U.S. nonproliferation treaties and agreements. The Program has previously issued two documents to help the facilities plan for nonproliferation activities; the “Readiness Planning Guide for Nonproliferation Visits” (DOE G 470. l-l, November 1995) and the “Handbook for the Implementation of IAEA Inspection Activities at Department of Energy Nuclear Facilities” (May 1997). The assistance provided by these two documents will be updated and combined with guidance currently being prepared to aid the facilities in meeting the provisions of the Chemical Weapons Convention, the IAEA Strengthened Safeguards System Protocol, the Russia/IAEA/U.S. Trilateral Initiative, the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, and treaties still under negotiation (e.g., the Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty and the Biological Weapons and Toxins Convention). This new handbook will provide safeguards and security guidance in preparing for and hosting treaty- and agreement-related inspections at all DOE facilities. This paper will present an outline of the handbook and discuss related aspects for implementation activities.