Nonproliferation Portal

Sean Morrell - Idaho National Laboratory
Catherine Snow - Sno Consulting, LLC
Melissa Einwechter - National Nuclear Security Administration
The National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) Next Generation Safeguards Initiative (NGSI) Human Capital Development (HCD) Subprogram has supported the development of nuclear nonproliferation and international safeguards education and training for the past eight years. A wide range of additional training and educational material in related nonproliferation topic areas exists across the Department of Energy Complex. In an effort to collect, standardize, and publish these materials in one central, accessible location, NGSI HCD has sponsored the creation of a Nonproliferation Portal, a web platform that will serve as a central location to make these materials available to international safeguards students and professionals in research, education and industry around the globe (Appendix A). The Nonproliferation Portal, which can be accessed at, provides an accurate, comprehensive and central source of NGSI materials and information, by identifying and incorporating the existing work of experts in applicable fields. At this time, the Portal includes materials produced by Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho State University (ISU), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and a number of independent consultants. To date, the Portal includes modules on nonproliferation history and policy, international safeguards, nuclear security, non-destructive assay and nuclear forensics. This initial set of modules was selected based on the availability and maturity of existing materials, as well as the logical progression of information and detail required for Portal users. Users can find modules suited to their levels of expertise and interest, beginning with the rudiments of nuclear nonproliferation. The site also provides a basis for additional educational material to be developed in the future. It is intended that, as the site gains a sustained user base, the international nonproliferation community will actively participate in directing and expanding the materials on the Portal.