In February 2011, the Standing Committee on International Security of Radioactive and Nuclear Materials in the Nonproliferation and Arms Control Division conducted its sixth annual workshop on Reducing the Risk from Radioactive and Nuclear Materials in partnership with the University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation. Presentations on Day 1 covered nonproliferation theory and best practices, and a working group to discuss difference s in nonproliferation and nuclear security insiders, the impacts of the type of material, and the constraints in dealing with an insider threat. Industry and international perspectives on the insider threat were presented in Day 2 followed by a working group to explore gaps in prevention, detection, and response. A second working group activity determined the priorities for addressing those gaps and are these are presented to the INMM community as a call to action. Participants included academia, policy makers, radioactive material users, physical security and safeguards specialists, and vendors of radioactive sources and transportation services.