Nondestructive Techniques Applicable to ANM

Sin-Tao Hsue - Los Alamos National Laboratory
M. Collins - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Takeshi Tsujino - Nuclear Material Control Center
Mitsuhiro Midorikawa - Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Recent action by the International Atomic Energy Agency Board of Governors has reinforced the need to oversee of neptunium and americium in nuclear facilities. This newly-created regime involves measuring of neptunium and americium concentrations in process streams at reprocessing facilities. This paper describes the collaboration between Japan and the US to expand the capabilities of hybrid densitometer systems to minor actinides. These measurements include determining the ratios of neptunium and americium to plutonium and uranium in typical reprocessing plant streams. This paper also addresses the potential use of high-resolution germanium detectors to estimate ratios of neptunium to plutonium or uranium in oxide samples.