This paper presents the results of an investigation related to the problem of non-nuclear technical application to support fissile material container safety and security. Future technologies may include the following non-nuclear methods or their combinations: 1)thermography, 2) vibro-acoustic method, 3) magnetovibrational method, 4) method of forced torsional oscillation, 5) method of thermal field registration, and 6) method of gas sensors. Several non-nuclear technologies may be combined to form a system. These systems may not require an information barrier. Tamper indicating devices – seals and tags – provide increased confidence of the integrity of container contents, including containers with fissile materials transported to temporary and long-term storage facilities in addition to providing an information record. The assessment of non-nuclear methods should be based on the following criteria: ?= efficiency in terms of transparency task (method descriptiveness); ?= intrusiveness level; ?= accuracy; ?= error probability; ?= level of completion, possibility of prompt implementation; ?= safety; ?= effectiveness.