NGSI’s UF6 Cylinder Monitoring Project Update

Karyn R. Durbin - National Nuclear Security Administration
Michael Whitaker - NNSA
NNSA’s Next Generation Safeguards Initiative (NGSI) is in the middle of a five - year project to develop and demonstrate, at a proof - of - concept level, a n identification and monitoring system for UF6 cylinders. The system is being designed such that it could be beneficial to the International Atomic Energy Agency, other inspectorates, as well as facility operators. A multi - laboratory team has established a baseline understanding of the operational constraints and safeguards challenges associated with monitoring UF 6 cylinders and developed a preliminary concept of operations for a global cylinder identification and monitoring system. This preliminary conce pt relies on three major elements: 1) a standardized, remotely readable, tamper - indicating unique identifier (UID) to be applied to each cylinder; 2) UID readers at cylinder - handling facilities; and 3) an access - controlled cylinder registry. In 2013, team members personally briefed the preliminary concept to nearly 50 individuals representing ~15 facility operators, industry executives, national authorities and inspection organizations. To reach a broader audience, the concept was presented at four major international audiences (ESARDA, INMM, PATRAM, and ANS). This paper discusses the team’s most recent activities including: a survey of technologies available to support a proof - of - concept demonstration; an evaluation of those technologies using a prelimin ary set of user requirements and evaluation criteria; and development of the registry concept. Throughout the project, stakeholder feedback has been essential; we have engaged and will continue to engage stakeholders in a variety of fora to seek feedback on the concepts.