Next Generation Trusted Radiation Identification System

John A. Anderson - Sandia National Laboratories
Jack C. Bartberger - Sandia National Laboratories
Peter Merkle - Sandia National Laboratories
Thomas M. Weber - Sandia National Laboratories
Jerry D. Strother - Sandia National Laboratories
The original Trusted Radiation Identification System (TRIS) was developed from 1999 – 2001, featuring information barrier technology to collect gamma radiation template measurements useful for arms control regime operations.[1] The first TRIS design relied upon a multichannel analyzer (MCA) that was external to the protected volume of the system enclosure, undesirable from a system security perspective. An internal complex programmable logic device (CPLD) contained data which was not subject to software authentication. Physical authentication of the TRIS instrument case was performed by a sensitive but slow eddy-current inspection method.[2] This paper describes progress to date for the Next Generation TRIS (NG-TRIS), which improves the TRIS design. We have incorporated the MCA internal to the trusted system volume, achieved full authentication of CPLD data, and have devised rapid methods to authenticate the system enclosure and weld seals of the NG-TRIS enclosure. For a complete discussion of the TRIS system and components upon which NG-TRIS is based, the reader is directed to the comprehensive user’s manual and system reference of Seager, et al.[3]