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The New Software for Joint Auditing of Records ABACC – IAEALeonardo Dunley – Carlos LlacerBrazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear MaterialsABSTRACTTo comply with the provisions of the Agreement between Argentina, Brazil, ABACC and theIAEA for the Application of Safeguards (The Quadripartite Agreement) related to theminimization of duplication activities, ABACC developed in 2001 a first version of the Systemfor Joint Auditing of Records (SJAR). This system was implemented officially in September2004 and enables the two agencies to perform jointly records auditing during inspections. Theunique system has been used routinely by the two agencies for almost twenty years. However,in order to accomplish the rapid changes in the technology and support, ABACC starteddeveloping in 2018 a New System for Joint Auditing Records (NSJAR). The conceptualdevelopment of NSJAR was presented to the IAEA during April 2018. The first version of theNSJAR was presented to the IAEA, Argentina and Brazil in May 2019. Thus, the NSJAR wasborn as a result of the cooperation between both agencies.The IAEA started testing the new software and it was agreed to modify some aspects relatedto the output of IAEA reports, and also to reconcile issues related to access privileges to thesoftware by the inspectors that would guarantee the security policies adopted by each agency.With the implementation of these modifications the NSJAR and the joint audit proceduresbegan to be used in inspections in February 2020 and since then, in all accounting audits asa routine, with very satisfactory results.This paper describes the stages of development of this project. The main features of NSJARare presented. The main changes introduced into the system are summarized.