A New Method of Radiation Sensing and Analysis

Adam Hecht - University of New Mexico
Jean-Claude Diels - University of New Mexico
Ladan Arrissian - University of New Mexico
Transparent crystals can be monitored for radiation damage to serve as a detector for both immediate dose and integrated dose for signatures of radiation exposure history. Gamma ray interactions primarily produce electrondisplacements,which are preserved as color centers in ionic crystals and produce specific absorption lines. Neutron interactions primarily produce lattice displacements that affect the index of refraction. Spectroscopic absorption lines can be quantified using prior technology but due to prior limits in phase sensitivity. We are using novel techniques based on intracavity phase interferometry to assess lattice displacements.We are studying different crystals with different properties, such as Z and lattice damage efficiency, exposed to known neutrons vs.gamma rays, to allow us to characterize unknown radiation fields.