New Generation Standard Nuclear Material Container

Tresa Yarbro - Los Alamos National Laboratory
P. H. Smith - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Timothy A. Stone - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Luke Anderson - Nuclear Filter Technology
Nuclear Filter Technology (NucFil) is working with the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) to design a nuclear material storage container that complies fully with the requirements ofDOE M 441.1-1. LANL has provided Nuclear Filter Technology with a specification that outlines requirements to comply with the manual, as well as to satisfY specific needs of their own. NucFil has taken this specification and designed a container known as the New Generation Standard Nuclear Material Container (NG SNMC). The premise ofthe design is a simple, robust container that is easy to use. The sealing mechanism is a single large cross section, low durometer o-ring. The large cross section provides a tight seal that has enough elastic rebound to compensate for any distortion of the sealing faces after a potential drop. The low durometer keeps the force required to open and close the container low. Once compressed, the seal is kept in place by a bayonet style closure that is locked in place by a positive mechanical engagement. The components of the container exposed to the load are manufactured of corrosion resistant 316L stainless steel. The container has a filter made of a heat resistant ceramic fiber to retain particles after a fire, and a water resistant membrane to keep moisture out of the container. Pewter shielding can be attached and is latched in place. These features are present in all seven sizes of the NG SNMC's, including 1,3,5, 8 and 12 quart and 5 and 10 gallon.