Networked Radiation and Contextual Sensor Fusion Around the High Flux Isotope Reactor/Radiochemical Engineering Development Center FacilitiesAndrew D. Nicholson1, Daniel E. Archer1, Michael J. Willis1, Ian R. Stewart2 and James M. Ghawaly21Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA2University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USAThis work provides an overview of data collected and analysis of radiation events for a networked array of six sensor nodes, each containing gamma-ray, neutron, weather, video, and LiDAR data collection modalities, positioned around the High Flux Isotope Reactor and the adjacent Radiochemical Engineering Development Center at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. These facilities provide a unique environment to study radiation signatures emanating from a nuclear reactor and a radiochemical processing facility. The goal of this work is to understand how radiation and contextual data can be used to determine reactor and radiochemical processing operations. Radiation events, including radioactive material movements, gaseous emissions, rain, and other events are cataloged for each collection node and the detector network. Radiation data across the array network are fused with video and LiDAR data to provide more information about radioactive material movement through the detector network. This includes tracking events through the network and identifying, when possible, the mode of transportation. Measured radiation events are compared with declared facility operations to identify useful signatures to predict reactor and processing facility operation.