Natural Uranium Fuel Fabrication Reference Document To Assist IAEA SEG Assessments

Randall Sidney Fielding - Idaho National Laboratory
Sarah R. Hamilton - Idaho National Laboratory
Christopher A. Wolfe - Idaho National Laboratory
Gustavo A. Reyes - Idaho National Laboratory

This project is intended to address one of IAEA’s 2010-21 top priority R&D needs to assist State evaluation groups (SEGs) in two critical determinations: 1) The length of an acquisition path to fabricate the natural uranium fuel for either a graphite pile or heavy water reactor for the purpose of providing plutonium for weaponization and 2) The technical capability required to manufacture key components/supply key materials. The nature of this effort assumes a Manhattan type priority by a State with no regulatory oversight as a national security effort, and assumes the clandestine construction by the State using internal resources, as practicable, and external resources, as needed. It also assumes a design that is only sufficiently adequate for providing the needed weapons usable material in the shortest timeline possible. Both oxide and metallic fuel paths are explained along with key pieces of equipment and general times needed to obtain these pieces of equipment.